viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate Studies

In this blog I am going to talk about my future postgraduate studies.

As I mentioned in the previous blog, I am still not sure what I really like, so I am not clear about the things I want to study in the future, even so, I will expose those things that attract my attention (until now).

If we take into account my current career, social work, if I had the opportunity to do a postgraduate this would be related to psychology (either individual or social psychology). The topics that psychology addresses have been of interest to me for several years, so being able to specialize or have a mention in that area would be great.

I would like to be able to do this postgraduate in another country, it would be a new experience to see how this area is addressed in other places and how culture, politics, economy and other factors influence the study of this subject; that the learning method is through face-to-face classes but that they also have "practice", not only learning the theoretical, but also being able to see social phenomena and study them from a certain perspective (and how this varies according to the place in which it is is).

I still have nothing clear, so if I am given other opportunities to do postgraduate degrees from other areas, that attract my attention, I would take the opportunity.

I have nothing more to say, thanks for reading!

9 comentarios:

  1. psychology also seems very interesting to me, I also agree that it would be interesting to study in another country, knowing other realities and cultures is fantastic! Regards<3

  2. Like you I would like to study in another country, it would be really amazing!

  3. A postgraduate degree in psychology sounds quite interesting and I think it is very necessary for this career.

  4. Hi Lesly, something alike happens to me, I'm not sure of something else that I would like to study or do in the future... :(
    I Hope you can do the postgraduate study that you want and do it in another country!

  5. Hi lesly! When you say that you would like to specialize in the area of ​​psychology, do you consider clinical psychology ?, because the truth is that I do not know other approaches to social work and psychology

  6. I have always called attention psychology, in fact it was one of my options to enter to study jeje go to study in another country should be great and gives you other opportunities, regardsss!

  7. Hi! the area of ​​psychology is very interesting and I think that the combination with social work is a great pair, I hope you can do it!

  8. It's really interesting the area of psychology, especially social psychology, which complements a lot our career

  9. Hi! I also think that psychology is a great complement to social work and that together are very useful and deliver many tools needed to work with people and help them.
