jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

A country I would like to visit

When asked which countries I want to visit, many come to mind. Personally, I would like to have the opportunity to travel to different places, but especially to France and the Asian continent (specifically to Japan and South Korea).

France seems to me to be a pretty beautiful place, besides that I really like the language, in the future I wish I could learn more about it; I don't know if I have a specific reason to want to go there, for whatever reason, it would be for a few months, enough to tour and learn more about its culture (music, dances, food, among other things).

I respect Japan and South Korea, for a few years I have been a fan of anime and k-pop, so my interest has always been in those countries. 

Regarding the first, I would like to go for a few months and visit those iconic places, taste their food and also learn more about their culture.
It is interesting to know new cultures and to be able to see the differences that exist with the culture of your country.

And on the second, I would like to live there (or at least a few years); There's a dance academy there called 1Million Dance, where three of my favorite choreographers work and teach (May J Lee, Mina Myoung and Lia Kim), I'd love to be able to be in some of their classes. Also, like the other two countries, I would like to be able to tour and in this case, accompanied by my best friend (we made a promise).

6 comentarios:

  1. I really wish you can go to that places in the future, I think there are so beautiful too, and that isn't all, there are historical.
    P.d That photo of Japon remember me the movie "The trip of Chihiro".

  2. My aunt went to France last year to visit relatives,
    he told me that there are many museums to visit, what it contributes in knowing a little about their culture.I think France is really cute.

    I find it very interesting to also know the culture of Japan,
    I think it must be very different from ours.

  3. Hey, I want to visit France too and I wrote about it in my blog... give me five!
    And the dance academy you mention, 1Million Dance, I've seen some of their youtube videos, they are amazing dancers!

  4. I would like to go to Korea too, because I have family there. 1Million make fantastic choregraphies, I like May J Lee too

  5. Hi! I would like to visit France too, I think it´s a beautifil place, you don´t need to have a specific reason to want to go there because the country speaks for itself. It has so much history and a beautifil culture.

  6. Hi! all your places and reasons to visit those countries are really cool. I wanna go to Japan too, is an amazing country with a fascinating culture. Same as you, one of my reasons to visit it is anime jaja
    I hope that all your wishes come true <3
