sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

My Hobby

In this blog I am going to talk about one of my hobby!

My hobbies are not many, even so, the main ones are reading and dancing. In this blog I will talk about dancing!

Since I was little I really liked dance, I remember that from first to fourth basic, I was in a workshop at my school, where we even danced in a theater and in some squares (I don't remember if they were competitions or not).

When I had to change schools (fourth basic), I left the dance aside, but I still had the same appreciation as always. Two years later (seventh grade), I returned to change schools and in this new place, I resumed the dance. I remember that I entered workshops, but these did not last long or because of time (my high school was very demanding), I could not always attend.

In addition to the workshops, I got to know k-pop and loved the choreography they have (in addition to the music, of course). It was there when I returned to dance more often, I began to learn the choreographies (generally, the female groups/soloists, those for male groups are difficult for me) and I went to events or meetings and participated in the "randoms play dance", which is dancing seconds of various choreographies (the winner was the one who knew and danced the most choreographies and was given a gift); it's really entertaining!

So too, I entered a dance cover (several, actually, but I left them for time issues) where we played a girl group called ITZY (I do Yeji). Despite my love for dance, I never entered an academy since I did not want my parents to spend money on something that is not “necessary”, so I try to learn other styles at home through videos!

I admit that I don't feel like I'm good at dancing, but I love her so much that I keep rehearsing, looking for choreography videos (of k-pop songs or other genres).

I love the feeling of being able to express yourself with your body and the satisfaction when you finally manage to get the steps, it is inexplicable and beautiful!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think in another post on your blog you talked about you liked k-pop and I inmediatly think that you also dance that music and now I know I was right! jajaja I hope you can continue dancing, especially during this quarantine, I assume it will help you a lot.

  2. Dance is so amazing, I really like it too but I prefer ballet! Jeje But that kind of choreography are wonderful!
