viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

Books Recommendations

Hi! In this blog I will talk about some quite interesting books (in my opinion) that can help you to get through the quarantine. One of my favorite hobbies is reading, since I was little I liked reading a lot (be it from books, manga, magazines, etc.); It is interesting to enter another world, full of adventures, missions, love / heartbreak, among other things.

My first recommendation is: Maze Runner (the complete saga).

The story of the first book focuses on Thomas, a boy who wakes up in a place totally unknown to him and who only remembers his name, but who is not alone, but like him, no one knows how he got to " area ”, a place that is surrounded by gigantic walls. The plot is focused on how this new boy will help them escape from the place, but do they succeed? I hope you can read it (there are the films of the first three, but I prefer books), the entire saga is really interesting! What's more, it's one of my favorite sagas ♡.

My second recommendation is these books from: Dan Brown.

I have read several books of him (there are more, but I have only read the ones that appear in the image) and each one involves you in a different way. The amount of information about places, events, important groups is impressive! And the plot of each one is great. There are some movies but nothing compares to the experience of reading them. Hopefully you can read them!

And my last recommendation: Wonderful Disaster and Hush Hush (the complete sagas).

These books are more romantic (and maybe a little cliche), but the stories they use are great. I admit that I like romantic books but up to a point (I don't like very "cheesy"). I do not want to tell much so that they can search on their own and be encouraged to read them! 

I hope you liked it (and read at least one of the books), bye! ♡

9 comentarios:

  1. I read the whole saga of Maze Runner and I also totally recommend it. It's great :D

  2. Dan Brown's books are really good, I love them. And the movies that have been made like The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons and Inferno have liked me very much especially because they are starred by Tom Hanks!

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. wooow, when I read ¨Maze Runner" many memories came back to me, I really enjoyed those books. Long ago, was one of my favorite sagas too<3

  6. When I was 16 I rememberd I really loved reading Dan Brown's novels! My favourite of all of his work has always been Angels & Demons, I remember the first thime I read it I was really hooked in the story, and it was really fun to turn the book upside down to see that the illuminati simbols could been read upside down as well as in the rigth side up!

  7. I have seen movies based on Dan Brown's books, but I have never read them.
    About the other books, I had never heard of them. Maze Runner sounds interesting, I'll try to read the saga when I have time.
    Thanks for the information!

  8. HI! Thanks for the recomendations!! I really love books and I´m always looking for something new to read. The saga of Dan Brown calls my attention a lot, I like action´s books and stories that keeps you attent and excited.

  9. Wow! I read Wonderful Disaster Saga too, I was in love with Travis!
    And read Hush-hush too, I keep waiting the movie u.u
