sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Favorite Anime

One of the things I do when I have free time is to watch anime, I will recommend two anime that I really liked due to its plot and the development of the characters.
PD: They are not in any categorical order, and honestly, I have several favorite anime but for space reasons, I have only chosen two L.

Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia):

The context of the story is a world where 80% of the world's population has peculiarities (something like gifts) and where being a hero is a profession. The anime has as main Izuku Midoriya, a young man who since childhood has wanted to become a hero, the problem? He does not possess a peculiarity, but even so he does not abandon his dream, and due to his perseverance and constant fight, destiny gives him an opportunity to become a hero.

I really liked this anime, the story is at school time so we see how the characters are formed to be heroes, see the growth and perseverance, or overcoming certain themes from the past, of certain characters was great. I watched the four seasons and the two films continuously (I do not regret having stayed up for a few days) and currently I am looking forward to the fifth very excited about what is coming. If you like action and superheroes, I highly recommend it!

Fullmetal Alchemist (and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood):

To begin, I must clarify that the first name corresponds to the first adaptation of the manga; both anime are independent of each other (since they have certain differences), even so, I recommend both. The story centers on two brothers (Edward and Alphonse Elric) who are alchemists with a pretty tragic past, when they wanted to try to bring their deceased mother to life, through alchemy, Edward lost parts of his body (which then they are replaced by robotic limbs) and Elric lost his body entirely.

I saw this anime during my school days, it was one of the first that really caught my attention and I also liked it too much, simply the story is great and the development of both brothers, both individually and as a duo, I loved, in addition to the other characters that appear throughout the series. I saw both adaptations, I liked them both; So much so that my violin's name (yes, I named it) is Edward in honor of that character.

Before finishing, I will make a little mention of some animes I really liked and that should also give them an opportunity to see them: Tokyo Ghoul, Ao no Exorcist (or Blue Exorcist), Haikyuu!, Shingeki no Kyojin (or Attack on Titan), Kimetsu no Yaiba  (or Demon Slayer), Akame ga Kill, Lovely Complex, Another, Naruto, Noragami, Your Lie in April and Anohana (There are many more but these came to mind at this time hehehe).

And tell me, have you seen any of these anime?

Goodbye! J

viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate Studies

In this blog I am going to talk about my future postgraduate studies.

As I mentioned in the previous blog, I am still not sure what I really like, so I am not clear about the things I want to study in the future, even so, I will expose those things that attract my attention (until now).

If we take into account my current career, social work, if I had the opportunity to do a postgraduate this would be related to psychology (either individual or social psychology). The topics that psychology addresses have been of interest to me for several years, so being able to specialize or have a mention in that area would be great.

I would like to be able to do this postgraduate in another country, it would be a new experience to see how this area is addressed in other places and how culture, politics, economy and other factors influence the study of this subject; that the learning method is through face-to-face classes but that they also have "practice", not only learning the theoretical, but also being able to see social phenomena and study them from a certain perspective (and how this varies according to the place in which it is is).

I still have nothing clear, so if I am given other opportunities to do postgraduate degrees from other areas, that attract my attention, I would take the opportunity.

I have nothing more to say, thanks for reading!

viernes, 3 de julio de 2020

My Future Job

 In this blog I´m going to talk about my ideal job in the future.

If I'm honest, I'm still not very clear, how I want to do Social Work (or which one area i can dedicate myself in this profession), so I will only focus on the things that interest me and I'd like to do.
Since I was little I have always wanted to travel and get to know the world, its cultures, traditions, music, the system by which they are governed and the diverse perspectives that exist about various topics (being able to see how a certain country, due to its customs and beliefs, has a certain position before a problem and how solve this problem), for that reason, if possible, I see myself working in some other country, either living or going to various places for my profession (conferences, helping, investigating, among other reasons).

Respect money, I have never been interested in earning more or less, just enjoying what I studied and in this case, what I will do my whole life. Still, I hope I can study other things, for example Dance, and find a balance between both professions, enjoy both.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I am still not clear on what I want to specialize in, but it is most likely related to the investigation, since personally, I feel that I do not have enough charisma to be able to perform in "territory" (also, I am quite sensitive, possibly certain contexts or situations are difficult for me to cope with, even if they are not my own). Similarly, the future is uncertain, I only know that if I am given the opportunity to try various things, I will; Life is one and you have to live it.

I still can't find my ninja way, but I hope to do it soon and enjoy it to the fullest.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

Books Recommendations

Hi! In this blog I will talk about some quite interesting books (in my opinion) that can help you to get through the quarantine. One of my favorite hobbies is reading, since I was little I liked reading a lot (be it from books, manga, magazines, etc.); It is interesting to enter another world, full of adventures, missions, love / heartbreak, among other things.

My first recommendation is: Maze Runner (the complete saga).

The story of the first book focuses on Thomas, a boy who wakes up in a place totally unknown to him and who only remembers his name, but who is not alone, but like him, no one knows how he got to " area ”, a place that is surrounded by gigantic walls. The plot is focused on how this new boy will help them escape from the place, but do they succeed? I hope you can read it (there are the films of the first three, but I prefer books), the entire saga is really interesting! What's more, it's one of my favorite sagas ♡.

My second recommendation is these books from: Dan Brown.

I have read several books of him (there are more, but I have only read the ones that appear in the image) and each one involves you in a different way. The amount of information about places, events, important groups is impressive! And the plot of each one is great. There are some movies but nothing compares to the experience of reading them. Hopefully you can read them!

And my last recommendation: Wonderful Disaster and Hush Hush (the complete sagas).

These books are more romantic (and maybe a little cliche), but the stories they use are great. I admit that I like romantic books but up to a point (I don't like very "cheesy"). I do not want to tell much so that they can search on their own and be encouraged to read them! 

I hope you liked it (and read at least one of the books), bye! ♡

sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

My Hobby

In this blog I am going to talk about one of my hobby!

My hobbies are not many, even so, the main ones are reading and dancing. In this blog I will talk about dancing!

Since I was little I really liked dance, I remember that from first to fourth basic, I was in a workshop at my school, where we even danced in a theater and in some squares (I don't remember if they were competitions or not).

When I had to change schools (fourth basic), I left the dance aside, but I still had the same appreciation as always. Two years later (seventh grade), I returned to change schools and in this new place, I resumed the dance. I remember that I entered workshops, but these did not last long or because of time (my high school was very demanding), I could not always attend.

In addition to the workshops, I got to know k-pop and loved the choreography they have (in addition to the music, of course). It was there when I returned to dance more often, I began to learn the choreographies (generally, the female groups/soloists, those for male groups are difficult for me) and I went to events or meetings and participated in the "randoms play dance", which is dancing seconds of various choreographies (the winner was the one who knew and danced the most choreographies and was given a gift); it's really entertaining!

So too, I entered a dance cover (several, actually, but I left them for time issues) where we played a girl group called ITZY (I do Yeji). Despite my love for dance, I never entered an academy since I did not want my parents to spend money on something that is not “necessary”, so I try to learn other styles at home through videos!

I admit that I don't feel like I'm good at dancing, but I love her so much that I keep rehearsing, looking for choreography videos (of k-pop songs or other genres).

I love the feeling of being able to express yourself with your body and the satisfaction when you finally manage to get the steps, it is inexplicable and beautiful!

jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

The best concert I have had

The most significative concert for me was on July 17, 2018 at Movistar Arena, one of my favorite k-pop boy groups performed: Got7.

Got7 is a group of seven members (4 Koreans, 1 American-Taiwanese, 1 Chinese and 1 Thai), they currently have approximately 6 years as a group, their genre is K-Pop, Hip-Hop and R&B, and their motto is “Come and get it!”

The announcement that they would come to Chile was in mid-April of that year, and thanks to the fact that there were rumors that would come, I managed to raise enough money.

It's hard for me to describe in words what I felt being there, but it was just great. I remember that I arrived super early to line outside the Movistar (the VIP section entered at 10, I think, and I was at about 6), waiting I met and shared with several people, since my friend arrived at about 8 and we were far away in the line). The wait was long but it was worth it when I entered the venue.

I remember when the concert started, I started crying (I'm very sentimental, sorry), it was great to be able to see and hear a group that I admire and love a lot; besides that the k-pop groups do not come much to Chile, even to Latin America, so I really enjoyed it. I could see them very, very close, I even managed to get one of the members to smile and pose for a photo.

When the concert finished, I still could not assimilate that I was there, I remember that I comeback home very tired; I could barely speak for having sang and shouted so much, in addition to being still in shock.

It was one of the most beautiful and memorable experiences I have ♡.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

A country I would like to visit

When asked which countries I want to visit, many come to mind. Personally, I would like to have the opportunity to travel to different places, but especially to France and the Asian continent (specifically to Japan and South Korea).

France seems to me to be a pretty beautiful place, besides that I really like the language, in the future I wish I could learn more about it; I don't know if I have a specific reason to want to go there, for whatever reason, it would be for a few months, enough to tour and learn more about its culture (music, dances, food, among other things).

I respect Japan and South Korea, for a few years I have been a fan of anime and k-pop, so my interest has always been in those countries. 

Regarding the first, I would like to go for a few months and visit those iconic places, taste their food and also learn more about their culture.
It is interesting to know new cultures and to be able to see the differences that exist with the culture of your country.

And on the second, I would like to live there (or at least a few years); There's a dance academy there called 1Million Dance, where three of my favorite choreographers work and teach (May J Lee, Mina Myoung and Lia Kim), I'd love to be able to be in some of their classes. Also, like the other two countries, I would like to be able to tour and in this case, accompanied by my best friend (we made a promise).